What is Mental Health? and Why does it matter?

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Well Well, hello there, it’s been a while since I have written/published anything at all. But here I am! Back with a new, interesting, or rather unexpected topic. “Mental Health and Depression”, might not be according to the liking of my usual readers, but I felt mentioning this topic was necessary. Along with that, I had a bit of curiosity about this myself. So, without any further ado let’s begin.

First of all, What is mental health? Health as a general term is used to describe the current condition of your body. Similarly, Mental Health is basically the state or the condition of your brain and “heart” i.e., the emotions

Mental health includes our psychological as well as social well-being. It determines one’s ability to handle a situation, manage emotions and stress, Decision-making abilities, and so on. A person’s mental health can change over time, depending on many factors. When the demands placed on a person exceed their resources and coping abilities, their mental health could be impacted.

And that brings us to the next point, What is Mental illness? What is Depression?
These “illnesses” are changes in behavior, thinking abilities, distress or having problems functioning in society or around people. Mental illnesses are usually ignored and labeled as “being dramatic”. Leading to the growth of problems and sometimes these go beyond cure.

So, What is Depression? Depression is a mood disorder that causes a constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It also affects how you feel and think which may lead to various mental and physical issues. This isn’t something as easy as to “snap out”. Ignorance can lead to things like Sudden anger outbursts, panic attacks, lack of interest, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss/weight gain, and many more.

Now you may ask, What is the cause of this issue? Well, there is no single cause of depression. It can occur for various reasons and has many different triggers.
Different causes often combine to trigger depression. Family Trauma, Victim of Bullying, Personality traits, and Low Self-Esteem to name a few.

What can we do about it? People are often unaware or ashamed about their depression. Things like encourage treatment can help them recover to some extent or/and work as a little push for them. The most important and impactful way of helping is “Listening”. Listening and Understanding is what most of the people need, Depressed or Not. Talking to them, Making them comfortable and suggesting to seek professional help are also some of the ways we as fellow humans can help them breakthrough.

In the end, Why should this matter to you? Why should you care about someone else when you have your own problems to solve? From a emotional and philosophical point of view, we as fellow humans should help others. Help them avoid issues that we may have faced at some point. And from a logical point of view, Mental illness if not cured or aided, may lead to malfunctioning of parts of society, cause increase in number of crimes, drug abuse, poverty etc.

Hence, Mental Health, A topic usually ignored was chosen as the topic of this blog.
Hopefully You liked it, Let me know what you think in the comments!
Until Next time~




  1. This is a must read topic for teens

  2. Well written buddy!!... do you think the way you look at mental health changes with time (age to be specific)?? or its something you always keep the same....how relative is it.... relative to anything like situation ,family , studies!!!??

    1. Thank you! I do think that our opinion on mental health changes according to time-, but like you said, it depends on the factors like family, friends and academics. It depends on what kind of environment someone had around them when they were growing up, it shapes their opinion towards and the mental health itself.

  3. Well done , super work bruh !! ✌🏻💫❤️🙌🏻

  4. छान लिहिलं आहेस

  5. Great and well written shreerang.good keep it up

  6. Very accurately phrased! To add more, mental health or psychological problems are not exclusive to a specific group of people. These are more common than one may think. Which is exactly why awareness about it is so important. Thank you Shreerang for this astonishingly written blog!

    1. Thank you! and I completely agree with your statement, Awareness is really important in case of mental health.

  7. A Good one shree. Precise, accurate and does the job. As expected from you. Keep going forward with this mentality and will. Future is yours to hold


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